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What is the Future of Design in 50 Seconds?

What is the Future of Design in 50 Seconds?

What is the Future of Design in 50 Seconds?

From & Don Norman:

I’m developing a new talk: “21st Century Design: Addressing Major Societal Issues.”

I discuss how we must start addressing the serious societal issues in the world, what we in the UC San Diego Design Lab call “Complex Sociotechnical Systems” (which some of my friends simply call “the world”).

The slides and manuscript are still in preparation, but here is is the the teaser video:

And here is the URL for a ROUGH DRAFT of the slides. I’m still refining the talk, but hope to give a version of it in Dubai, Ahmedabad, and later in the year, in Kyiv (Ukraine).

From & Don Norman:

I’m developing a new talk: “21st Century Design: Addressing Major Societal Issues.”

I discuss how we must start addressing the serious societal issues in the world, what we in the UC San Diego Design Lab call “Complex Sociotechnical Systems” (which some of my friends simply call “the world”).

The slides and manuscript are still in preparation, but here is is the the teaser video:

And here is the URL for a ROUGH DRAFT of the slides. I’m still refining the talk, but hope to give a version of it in Dubai, Ahmedabad, and later in the year, in Kyiv (Ukraine).

From & Don Norman:

I’m developing a new talk: “21st Century Design: Addressing Major Societal Issues.”

I discuss how we must start addressing the serious societal issues in the world, what we in the UC San Diego Design Lab call “Complex Sociotechnical Systems” (which some of my friends simply call “the world”).

The slides and manuscript are still in preparation, but here is is the the teaser video:

And here is the URL for a ROUGH DRAFT of the slides. I’m still refining the talk, but hope to give a version of it in Dubai, Ahmedabad, and later in the year, in Kyiv (Ukraine).

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